Edinburgh Fringe Preview: Sobriety on the Rocks

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Thursday, July 21, 2022 - Sunday, July 24, 2022

The Bread and Roses

‘Is alcoholism a disease or a choice? Or is it both? A battleground with one actor, four characters, and a drunk driving accident involving a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle watch. Can you help an alcoholic who doesn’t want to be helped?

It’s Richard’s 4th day in hospital, involuntarily detoxing, and he’s itching for a drink. Cherie, his wife is barely keeping her head above the water. Jamie, their son, who is somewhere between a boy and a man is now faced with what life would be like without a dad, and Kimberley, the ambulance paramedic at Richard’s crash has to face the past in order to be set free. A one-woman show from New Zealand inspired by real events and experiences had by an alcoholic.

“All the ingredients that make up the cocktail of Sobriety have been shaken, stirred, drunk, and spat out”

For more info CLICK HERE