live to tell

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Tuesday, February 7, 2023 - Saturday, February 18, 2023

Omnibus Theatre

HIV. Survival. Reinvention. This is not a show about Madonna… yet.
Brian has a dream: pitching himself to the Queen of Pop as the author of her glitzy new musical. But when the undetectable reality of HIV rises up, things change quicker than a Ray of Light.

For nearly forty years, Madonna’s remained on top by constantly reinventing herself. After years living on HIV meds, Brian wants to do the same. But he can’t live to tell a tale of jukebox triumph until he confronts the stigma and side effects of long-term survival.

LIVE TO TELL mashes up queer history and pop artifice into some highly personal Confessions on a Dancefloor. Sure, medicine can suppress a virus, but how do we keep on living? Just like a prayer, this show will take you there.

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