Simpler Recycling Legislation

Simpler Recycling is a set of legislative reforms, that will impact businesses in England by 31st March 2025. Visit the government website for more information here.

The reforms are designed to simplify waste in England as they will ensure a standardised set of materials can be recycled in all regions across the country.

What are the rules?

The new default requirement for most households and workplaces will be 4 containers for:

  • residual (non-recyclable) waste
  • food waste (mixed with garden waste if appropriate)
  • paper and card
  • all other dry recyclable materials (plastic, metal and glass)

At a minimum your business will need to have in place a dry mixed recycling service (for glass, metal, plastics, paper and card), a food recycling service and a general waste service.

Defra’s latest update on 29.11.24 clarified that businesses need to separate paper and card from other dry recyclables (glass, metal and plastics) unless their waste collector has completed an assessment to collect them together.

This is Clapham’s Waste partner First Mile has completed this assessment so customers can continue to include paper and card in their dry mixed recycling service.

First Mile are holding another Simpler Recycling Webinar on 13 February 2025. This session will outline the new legislation coming into effect on 31st March 2025. They will explain the legislation and what businesses need to do to be compliant.

First Mile also have a new page on their website HERE.

You can sign up for the Recycling Webinar HERE.

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