The Board and Meetings

Dave Hanson Mint Group Hospitality
Bobby Ijaz Charles Sinclair Landowner
Pinder Soor Todays Living Retail
Saba Frichot Minnow Hospitality
Terry Georgiou Aquum Hospitality
Julia Barfield Marks Barfield Office
Andrea Sealy Snappy Snaps Retail
Greg Andrews Dvine Wines Retail
Andrew Hogg Dexters Office
Katrina Davy Clapham Leisure Centre Office
Cllr Linda Bray Lambeth Lambeth Council Council Observer
Cllr David Robson Lambeth Lambeth Council Council Observer
Mark Leffer Clapham Society Community


The Board meets four times a year. A copy of any minutes from board meetings can be requested via email.

Articles of Association 

Download a copy of the Clapham BID’s Articles of Association.
