Clapham Picture Framers

61 Venn Street London SW4 0BD

With a combined experience of 30 years framing, Clapham Framers offer the highest quality bespoke framing service to conservation and museum standards.

Top quality products are used to ensure the best presentation and protection of your artwork.

With an extensive range of both hand-finished and manufactured mouldings.

All mounts are acid-free.

They offer 3 different types of glass – standard clear glass, conservation glass (uv protection) and museum glass (uv protection, non-reflective).

Clapham Framers,  frame everything from oil paintings, watercolours, pastels, photographs, prints, sports’ memorabilia, books, certificates, children’s art, tapestries, wedding dresses etc

Monday 11am-6pm Tuesday- Saturday 10am-6pm
0207 7208630 / 07846 956917