GSQ Wealth

6 Grafton Square Clapham SW4 0DE

At GSQ Wealth, we provide tailored financial advice to individuals, families and small business owners in Clapham.

Our aim is to take away the frustrations of financial planning by offering a personalised, responsive and high-quality service to clients in Clapham and the surrounding areas. Our service includes advice on retirement, savings and investment planning, either face-to-face or by video conferencing.

To arrange a no obligation meeting, please call: T: 020 7846 8973 | M: 0788 4310145 or visit


Find us on Facebook GSQ Wealth Limited and Vouchedfor.


GSQ Wealth Ltd is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the group’s website

SJP Approved 12/06/2024

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This is Clapham
Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by Adam Harrison
Excellent Strategic Advice

I needed to start planning for my long term future and decided to approach GSQ Wealth. They provided advice on how to plan for my retirement, including choosing the most tax-efficient and value-generating options relating to my circumstances. I've now got a 20 year plan in place and am feeling confident about the future with the right plans now in place. There's nothing I feel they could have done better and I would have no hesitation in recommending them.

020 7846 8973
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This is Clapham
Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by Adam Harrison
Excellent Strategic Advice

I needed to start planning for my long term future and decided to approach GSQ Wealth. They provided advice on how to plan for my retirement, including choosing the most tax-efficient and value-generating options relating to my circumstances. I've now got a 20 year plan in place and am feeling confident about the future with the right plans now in place. There's nothing I feel they could have done better and I would have no hesitation in recommending them.

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john o'farrell may contain nuts

John O’Farrell – May Contain Nuts

‘May Contain Nuts’ is a funny, sometimes laugh-out-loud funny book. It starts out as a farce,  an almost biting satire on ridiculously competitive urban upper middle class parents hot-housing their children into Prokofiev appreciation and contract bridge, children scheduled, tutored and stimulated; never left alone to do ‘whatever’, never let go.