Tape Consultancy LTD

18-20 Bromell's Road, London SW4 0BG

TAPE is a UK based consultancy company providing specialist services for global media professionals in the television and film industries.

All services originate from the T.A.P.E. (Television Audience Programme Evaluation) System – a unique quantitative methodology which can be used by decision makers to assess the intrinsic appeal of any type of media content, television programme or motion picture at any stage of development – from initial concept through to final product.

From its inception in 1968, TAPE became a totally independent Limited Company in 1976, with its shares owned by the working executives. The key executives are specialist evaluators who have been studying and identifying the salient appeal factors determining audience likes and dislikes for over 34 years, and more importantly, establishing their relativity.

Monday 9am–5pm Tuesday 9am–5pm Wednesday 9am–5pm Thursday 9am–5pm Friday 9am–5pm Saturday Closed Sunday Closed
020 7587 6470


clapham common bandstand

Bandstand on Clapham Common

One of the most iconic landmarks in the centre of Clapham Common is the bandstand constructed in 1890. It is the largest bandstand in London and a Grade II Listed Building.