Clapham Website statistics


The This is Clapham website was designed as a hyper local information portal and resource for local businesses to help boost their online profile and shine a spotlight on Clapham.

In the last 12 months the website has received 51,000 visitors and 146,878 pageviews, which equates to just under 12.5k a month. on average users spend 1 minute 41 seconds on the site.

Anecdotally we also know that members of the public are arriving at the site after searching for information about Clapham, local businesses in the area and things to do.

All This is Clapham BID members get a free listing on the business directory with an ability to provide information and up to five photos about your business as a way of boosting your online profile. Please check to make sure your listing is up to date.

All BID members can also upload posts to the events page, local jobs page and offers page. If you have a news story about your business that you would like to share with the local community then you can also write a short piece for our local news section.

For more information please contact

Posted in Business news, Local News