clapham society annual general meeting

clapham society

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Monday, October 24, 2016


Annual General Meeting. After the formal business of the meeting our guest speaker is local designer, Tim Gosling, who has an international reputation for exquisite, beautifully crafted furniture and a deep commitment to working with highly skilled British craftsmen. Tim’s knowledge and interest in classic and contemporary design, his talent for sketching combined with his interest in the arts, create the perfect blend for producing the most innovative designs. Tim designed The Clapham Society’s Green Plaque, and the first one was unveiled on his home, Sycamore House, in 2011.

Our meetings are held at Omnibus, 1 Clapham Common North Side, SW4 0QW. The bar at Omnibus is open from 7 pm, and meetings will commence at 8 pm. Our guest will normally speak for about 45 minutes, followed by around 15 minutes for questions and discussion, and the bar will remain open after the talk. Meetings are free and open to non-members, so please bring your friends along.