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Help to improve the safety of women and LGBT+ across Lambeth’s Night-Time Economy!

Lambeth Council’s Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) team want to better understand how venues prevent and respond to Gender-Based Violence.

We are collecting feedback from venues to help us identify ways we can improve safety across our Night-Time Economy.
We are looking to find out more about:

• The confidence of venues and staff to identify and respond to Gender-Based Violence and anti-L GBT + behaviour

• Training and information provided to staff

• Policy and procedure if an incident has taken place e.g. spiking, sexual harassment or assault and hate crime

• Support for staff who have experienced sexual harassment or assault

The survey only takes five minutes and you can find the survey


If you have any questions, please contact Amy Masson (VAWG Workstream Lead) on amasson@lambeth.gov.uk or 020 7926 7686

Posted in Blog, Business news